I have been wondering how I can take care of my teeth especially when they turn yellow and I'm not a smoker. Anyone ever feel that way? So I asked an acquaintance of mine to help me out with this.
Let me introduce him to you.
Let me introduce him to you.
Dr Alexander Faizi Rawháni / Dr SMILE® holds many titles to his name such as a recording artist, leathersmith, lecturer at University of the Witwatersrand (Wits for short) as well as a dentist. He has worked on many recognizable artists such as Boity, Maps Maponyane, DJ Dimplez, AKA amongst many others and has transformed bad teeth to amazing teeth.
Here's a few questions he helped me get clarity on about teeth
Hi, my name is:
Dr Alexander Faizi Rawháni / Dr SMILE®
My profession is:
Private Practice Dentist/Wits University Lecturer and singer/songwriter.
How many times a day
should I brush my teeth and why?
Teeth should be brushed twice a day,everyday. Once in the
morning when one wakes up and once at night before they go to sleep, not
forgetting ofcourse that one needs to also floss minimum once a day and that is
also at night before they brush their teeth before they sleep.
The reason we brush our teeth is to remove left over food particles and large aggregations of bacteria that adhere on and in between teeth during and in between meals.When we brush our teeth in the morning, we aim to remove the build-up of bacteria that has occurred during the hours that we have been sleeping. At night we aim to remove excess food from the meals during the day so that we go to sleep with a fresh clean mouth. The importance of thorough brushing is that at night our salivary glands (to a greater degree but not completely) shut down, and because it is our salivas job to bathe and protect our teeth, we try to help them out a little by mechanically cleaning our mouth with a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.
What does it mean to
floss and how often should I do it?
Flossing entails taking a small piece of floss (dental
string) and cleaning the in between surfaces of your teeth that a toothbrush
cannot reach. It needs to be done minimum once a day at night before one
What are the health
benefits of brushing teeth every day?
I have always said that correct oral hygiene maintenance not
only helps our physical health in that our teeth becomes stronger, our breath
smells better, our oral tissues remain healthier for longer which impacts on
our overall bodily health but it also affects our psychological health, a good
happy healthy smile does wonders for ones confidence and emotional state.
How often should I
change my toothbrush and why?
On average, one should change their toothbrush every 3-4
months, (depending on the type of brush head and strength of the bristles). It
is important to change your toothbrush, not only because of the bacterial build
up on your toothbrush, but mainly because the bristles begin to wear out and become less effective in cleaning and can
actually begin damaging the teeth and gums instead of cleaning them the way
they should.
What bacteria lives
in my mouth and how do I kill them?
There are over 500 types of bacteria which naturally live in
the mouth, that is their home, and they have been there our whole lives (so
don’t freak out). Our aim is not to kill all the bacteria in our mouth as that
would be un-natural, but what we aim to do is moderate the growth of those bacteria,
because as soon as they grow above the “normal” limit, that is when they begin
to cause damage.
The way one maintains a healthy mouth, is correct brushing and
flossing each day, ending bad habits such as smoking which impair the mouths
natural defense against bacteria as well as regular visits to the dentist for
cleaning and check-ups.
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay is a
breakdown of natural healthy teeth structure due to excess bacterial growth as a
result of poor oral hygiene.
What are cavities?
Cavities are holes formed in our teeth by bacteria. They do
this by releasing acid which breaks down the tooth structure and they release
acid every time they have “food” to eat. That is why we encourage good cleaning
habits, because if you ensure that you leave no food behind in your mouth, the
bacteria does not have any food to eat and as a result, cannot cause damage to
your teeth.
What is gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a disease of the gums characterized by
swelling and bleeding and bad breath as a result of poor oral hygiene
maintenance. In other words, from not cleaning your mouth properly, and
requires immediate attention by a dentist or else can lead to severe damage to
not only your gums but your teeth and jaw bone as well.
Is it true that the
more kids a woman has, the less chance of her losing more teeth when older?
To my knowledge this is not true. Losing teeth is dependent
on how well you clean your teeth, what your diet is, what medical conditions
you suffer from as well as certain genetic predispositions, but not child birth
as far as I have learnt.
How often should I
get my teeth checked and why?
At-least twice a year, unless you know of something that
needs attention and in that case, immediately. The longer you wait to see a
dentist is directly proportional to the difficulty of the treatment as well
as the cost of the treatment.
What can I do now to
prevent my teeth from falling out when I’m older and going brown?
Regular visits to the dentist, good oral hygiene
maintenance and decrease or cessation of bad habits that damage your teeth and
gums is the best way to keep your teeth string and healthy for the longest
period of time.
What food is good for
my teeth and which should I stay away from?
In general, food with a lot of acid and food with a lot of
sugar is very bad for your teeth.
If I have yellow
teeth (not caused by smoking), what can I do to get them white again?
Where are your
offices based and how can I schedule an appointment?
Our offices are based in Sandton. Our contact number is 011
305 9300 to Schedule an appointment with “Dr Alex” and our receptionist will be
happy to give you any other details you require with regards to the days I am
available as well as the address of our practice.
I hope this information helps you and the best advise I can give is, brush your teeth, floss, eat healthy and visit the dentist often. A HUGE thank you to Dr. Alex for his wisdom and time.
Check him out on;
Facebook - Alexander Faizi Youssefian-Rawhani
Twitter - @Dr SMILE®/LexLeo
Instagram -@drsmileslexleo
I hope this information helps you and the best advise I can give is, brush your teeth, floss, eat healthy and visit the dentist often. A HUGE thank you to Dr. Alex for his wisdom and time.
Check him out on;
Facebook - Alexander Faizi Youssefian-Rawhani
Twitter - @Dr SMILE®/LexLeo
Instagram -@drsmileslexleo
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